UNO Generation II
UNO Shave Company is in the final stages for its new version of the UNO razor, with a lot of very exciting milestones…
Good Ideas
After a lot of work, we have received a United States patent pertaining to the…
New Bulk Cartridge Option!
We decided that the loyal UNO posse deserves even more options to save even more money, because that's what we're about. What we're rolling out…
It’s Bikini Season!
The summer is upon us! With record breaking temps across much of the US, pools, lakes, beaches, rivers and…
Lessons Learned During a Pandemic
One of the thing that rings true during the times we've all recently been through, is that probably in no other time in recent memory has the care for one another…
The Evolution of Shaving
Removal of unwanted facial hair dates back as far as history. And the methods of this removal have evolved greatly over time. From literally pulling off hair from your face, to rubbing pumice stones and shaving with obsidian…
Manufacturing Sustainability
There are many ways to skin a cat (or remove hair from your face and body, in this case), but standing out…
How Many Shaves?
So, how many shaves can you get with an UNO? Ah, the question of all questions. I've got a news flash for you…
Big Razor Companies: Profit Above All Else
Until the last decade or so, the razor industry has been primarily dominated by one major publicly traded Consumer Packaged Goods conglomerate. There have been some other big players as well…
The Pivoting Controversy
Of all of the controversial “enhancements” to shaving razors that have come along over the years, the pivoting head seems to have the most loyal adherents to both its brilliant novelty and assumed usefulness for their personal shaving experience. So, is the pivot…
Engineering the Perfect Shave
So, what makes a “perfect” shave any damn way, really? Is there such a thing? Well, It's subjective for sure, but I think a great shave should meet a few expectations, and those expectations can be met by…
How to Prevent Ingrown Hairs Down There
Let’s face it. When it comes to grooming the southern region, everyone has their own program. Some still rock the 80’s fro. Others go fully clean. Or somewhere in between. And this topic isn’t frequently enough…
Safety Razors - Gadgetry and Danger
I know. There is something nostalgic about the idea of shaving with an old-timey safety razor, just like your grandpa did. However, there is also something rather impractical about it as well.
Razor and shaving purists may not agree…
How to Travel With a Single Blade Razor
The answer to this question is unbelievably simple. If you're traveling with a safety razor, or a razor that uses…
3 Tips for The Best Fall Beard
Shaving in the fall, these days, incorporates a little beard action for most dudes. In order to make sure your look is dialed, there are a few things you should consider.